Friday, January 13, 2012


First things first. Thursday started off a little rocky. The kids did not want to get dressed, it was like pulling teeth. Then I found Landon playing his DS this is forbidden in the morning lol. Anyway enter the bossy jar.

Have I ever told you about our bossy jar? Landon doesn't do anything "wrong" per se, he mostly likes to be bossy to his brothers, and to me. So I made a "jar" and put slips of paper in it, with easy chores for him to do on his own. So like one card says make your bed, or pick up three pieces of trash etc. Anyway, this may be my only parenting stroke of genius, because not only do I not have to yell at him, or worse argue with him. I get things done in the house that actually need to get done, anyway, he got a bossy jar and we were three minutes late for school.

Which was fine, because Rev had a doctors appointment anyway. Nothing serious, he just needed a physical for school. He is healthy as a horse physically, and in the 70th percentile for height, weight etc. He's a pretty good eater, so I never really think about it. After that, I took him to get a haircut and miracle upon miracle the boy sat BY HIMSELF and did not even cry. I warned the hair dresser before we started, and he was an angel. Crazy talk, I tell you, I would have taken a picture, but he was playing on my phone.

I dropped him off at school and came home to paint for a bit. I got a lot done on the painting and not nearly enough on the house:) Oh well. I watched my favorite neighbors adorable one year old for a few hours so she could clean her house for hold on, I'm going to cry in the bathroom for a while. Ok I'm back she's selling her house and moving this summer. sniff sniff. I'm ok, really.

I picked up the boys, and had a cozy afternoon on an extremely cold day. We had brisket and mac and cheese for dinner. Can you believe I burned the mac and cheese! Who does that?? Anyway, despite my excellent cooking skills, I managed to find replacement noodles, and we ate our fill.  I was able to text for a while with my husband and wish him a good morning, before I went to bed. Technology is awesome. Back when he first joined the military, he would have to stand in line forever for a 15 minute phone call. You try fighting with your husband in under 15 minutes lol. Lucky for us now we can communicate much more effectively (in both ways:)

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