Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wed Nes Day

Wednesday morning was pretty fun. I again met friends for some shopping and lunch! this time I had some Christmas money that was burning a hole in my pocket, so off to the Brighton store we went, and I picked up a super cute purse, I've had my eye on. Lucky for me it was on sale. After shopping we went to Pei Wei, I'm really roughing it, I know.
My super cute new purse

Today was a curly hair kind of day. You see when my hair is wet, it looks really good curly and I convince myself that it will stay looking that way, but it always ends up looking like a frizzy fireball... and yet I have the same internal conversation weekly.... you would think I would learn.

My photographer is not so adorable any more,:)

I came back home, worked on my painting a bit. I got the color all wrong at first, so I spent most of the time trying to get it right. About the last third of the canvas I got it right, so I set it to dry, and went to pick the boys up early for their dental appointments.  I picked up the boys, dropped Rev off with my favorite neighbor, and ran like crazy to get to the appointment on time, only to wait for 15 minutes after our appointment was scheduled. Cotton is obsessed with doctor's offices right now. Mainly because the clinic where he see the psychologist, and the psychiatrist have an elevator. He asks me every day to go to the doctor and ride the elevator. So the entire time we were in the office he was manically looking in every door to find the elevator. I can't help but think that this helped speed up the process a bit, because they seriously got the boys in and out in no time! Landon is a pro at the dentist, but Cotton has never gotten further than opening his mouth. Today he even let them touch his teeth!! With cleaner teeth and new toothbrushes, we left to pick up Rev, and get some dinner. 

Pizza was the menu de jour. Pappa John's to be exact, extra cheese and breadsticks. All ate without complaint. We watched Curious George 2 and went to bed. I was so tired last night that I went to bed with the boys. You should know that we have a bit of miracle going on right now. Cotton has put himself to bed all week with NO meds. This is unheard of! This is a miracle! He is even sleeping until 5 am!!!! I hope I'm not jinxing it, by talking about it, cross your fingers for us:)

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